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shulamis weil

Changing over your closets for the new season can feel like a daunting task, especially if you have kids and even more so, if you also have limited space. Don’t just run to the store and buy bins. Let me break it down for you so you’ll have your system in place . That way, it won’t be such a big deal.

Step 1:

Purge! Go through your clothes and get rid of anything that you won’t use again. Be honest! Don't just say I’ll save it and see. It’s the biggest mistake people make. You save way too much! Next season you will not be in the mood to pull out all the old ratty clothes.

For kids as well, don’t just save everything. You’re not going to ever look at it again if 90% is junk.

Here are some considerations when putting kids clothes away: Do you like matching your kids? Should you save clothes for a child that doesn't even exist?

Save just the best of the best.

The  kind of clothes you wish you can wear or put on your child today!

Step 2:

Assign location:

Decide where you’re going to keep it. It really depends on where you have space. Ideally the back of your regular closets are the best option but if you don’t have room then anywhere that is safe (not damp), is fine.  Every home is different and you’ll need to make a decision for yourself.

Step 3:

Buy bins or hangers:

Now that you know where it’s going you can buy bins. Decide how many bins you’ll need ( you can always get more or return )

Here are some popular ideas based on where you’ll keep it:

1)    Attic/basement storage room: I like large bins either clear or opaque . These or these are great.

2)    Under bed : If you live in a small apartment these bags  might be your best option or vacuum sealed bag

3)    Closet: if you have extra closets, that can be a great option. Get tons of slim hangers like these and these skirt hangers

4) Kids clothes can be divided by size using  these dividers. It’s easy to see and doesn’t get creases.

5)    Rack: Another great choice is a rack like this  with a rack cover. Also it keeps clothes nice and neat and no rummaging!

6)    Top of closet: You might want something decorative if you are keeping it in your bedroom closet. This and this are great choices.

Step 4:


Always label so you’ll know what’s inside the bins. Your labels will change from season to season but that’s ok.


Keep your system simple!!

For example, kids clothes, combining sizes or seasons can be simpler than having tons of bins with different sizes.

So you see it’s not a one size fits all. You’ll need to choose the system that’s right for you. Once you have the system in place, changing over from season to season won’t be such a big deal.

Happy Organizing!

Shulamis :)

1)    Hangers :

2)    Skirt hangers 

3)    Clothes rack:

4)    Clothes dividers

5)    Linen  bags

6)    Vacuum sealed bags:

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