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It's an interesting field I work in. I get to work with a lot of people. Some are extremely organized (believe it or not) and some are extremely not. Most are somewhere in the middle. I’ve noticed that organized people have certain things in common. Maybe if we try to think like them, we can become a more organized person. Here are a few things I’ve noticed about organized people:

1. They write down everything! They don’t trust themselves that they will remember. So if they run low on a grocery item, they jot it down immediately. They don’t assume they’ll probably remember. They keep a to-do list of things they need to take care of. They have a calendar where they write down where they need to be and when. They don’t trust their memory so much!

2. They love systems. They want to figure it out once and just copy/paste. There are so many areas that this comes up. From creating a laundry system that works for them, a weekly dinner menu or any other simplified way of doing things.

3. They try to think of the most simplistic and realistic way of accomplishing something. They are obsessed with hacks! If there’s a better way of doing something, tell me! They are willing to try!

4. They don’t procrastinate. Let’s get it done and over with, we’ll party later!

5. They are more aware of time. They know how long things take to do or how long it can take to get somewhere.

6. They tend to be more realistic about what could go wrong. They don't assume they’ll make every red light or find the closest parking spot right away.

7. They have an easier time delegating. Even if it takes time, energy and courage (yes, it takes courage to let go!), to show someone else what to do, they know it’s worth it in the long run.

People don’t change overnight but adopting one or more of these mindsets can make you a more organized person. Yes you can learn how to be more organized!

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